Our ingredients
Real talk, real ingredients
Real talk, real ingredients
Solube Fibre from Tapioca
Natural flavours & colours
Chicory Root Fibre
We’re sweet enough with the natural fibres in our lollies. We add a touch of stevia to balance things out. This means we’re up to 91% less sugar than your average lolly. Let’s just say there’s nothing average about us.
None, zilch, nada!
It's a no from us on GMO.
No way ‘Jose. Stacks of other ‘no sugar’ or ‘sugar free’ lollies have sugar alcohols (ew). Sometimes this means they gotta warn people about their ‘laxative effects’ (double ew). We just wouldn’t do that to you.
Our fruity flavours are extracted from food. Our colours come from things like beetroot, carrot, pumpkin and turmeric. Your read right, nothing artificial up in here!
Coeliac’s rejoice!
Gluten-free guaranteed.
We pack a punch when it comes to fibre. We’ve got a whopping 7g of plant-based goodness in each bag. Prebiotics are the goods that feed the good guys (probiotics) in your gut. What a good news day!
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